He’s a Chihuahua mix and weighs about 10 lbs. He’s 1-1 1/2 yr old. He’s still a little playful puppy.
Vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. Very friendly with dogs and people. He’s just a sweetheart. |
He is white Swiss Shepard mix. He was born in Feb. 2022. He weighs about 32 lbs.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. He is excellent with kids, people, and other dogs. |
Claudie is about 10 mon old medium-sized mix dog. She is a Boxer/Lab mix and weighs about 30-35 lbs.
He is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped before adoption. She is a sweet puppy, friendly with people and dogs. She was found with her mom and sibling abundant in the backyard of the house when the owner moved out. Her leg was injured really bad and we were told by the vet we might have to amputate the leg. After few treatments and X-rays, vet saw improvement, and amputation didn’t take place. She is fully recovered now, walking and running. She is a sweet puppy, friendly with people and dogs. She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
He’s 1 yr old, born on 2-14-2022. He weighs about 35 lbs. He is a Pitbull mix. He is a medium-sized dog.
Very friendly with people and dogs. Vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
Rita's mom is a Belgian Shepherd mix. We don't have any information about her dad.
Mama was found in the middle of the field in Kern County, CA, very pregnant and skinny. She gave birth to 10 puppies a few hours after being rescued. Rita was born on 11-10-23. She will be ready for adoption at 8 weeks, which is 1-10-24. She is a very sweet and playful puppy. She will be a medium-sized dog. Her mom weighs about 50 lbs. She is dewormed and will have her first round of vaccines and microchips for adoption. When she is old enough, she will be spayed. |
Maggie is about 45 lbs. And is 3-4 yrs old Terrier mix, doesn't like small dogs and cats but friendly with kids, people, and big dogs.
Spayed and vaccinated, she had a fractured hip and femur, but she is fully recovered. |
Danny is a mixed breed. His mom is a Hound/German Pinscher mix. He is about 3 months old and weighs about 4 lbs.
He was at the Porterville Shelter with his mom and 5 other siblings. Four puppies passed away at the shelter because of pneumonia and being so cold there. Shelter asked for a rescue before she lost more puppies. They were rescued by my rescue. He is dewormed, vaccinated, and will be microchipped before adoption. When he is old enough, he will be neutered. He’s friendly with people and other dogs. He looks like his mom. |
He is about 1.5-2 yrs old, mixed breed, a medium-sized dog. He weighs about 26 lbs. He is neutered, vaccinated, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is friendly with other dogs and people. He is friendly with cats but he is picky. He needs to choose his own cat. |
Pita is about 1.5 yrs old and weighs about 42 lbs. Husky, medium-sized, vaccinated, and spayed.
Has esophageal, she is being treated for that. She is doing much better, active, playful, and social with all dogs and people. |
Duke is about 3 yrs old, a mixed breed, and weighs about 23 lbs.
Neutered and vaccinated. |
He’s 1 yr old, born on 2-14-2022. He weighs about 35 lbs. He is a Pitbull mix. He is a medium-sized dog.
Very friendly with people and dogs. Vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
Arnie is a mix breed, his mom is a Hound/German Pinscher mix. He is about 3 months old and weighs about 7 lbs.
He was at the Porterville Shelter with his mom and 5 other siblings. 4 puppies passed away at the shelter because of pneumonia and being so cold there. Shelter asked for a rescue before she lost more puppies. They were rescued by my rescue. He is dewormed, vaccinated, and will be microchipped before adoption. When old enough, he will be neutered. He’s friendly with people and other dogs. |
Mateo is a Pit mix, he’s about 1.5 yrs old, weighs about 45 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is friendly with dogs and people. |
Cody is about a 5 mon old Boxer mix. He weighs about 22 lbs.
He is fully vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. He is good with people, dogs, and cats. |
He is a 1 yr old Staffordshire Terrier mix. He weighs about 35 lbs., and is vaccinated, neutered, and microchipped for adoption.
He is friendly with other dogs and people. Has not been around cats. |
Mama KC is about 3 yrs. old. Hound/Dobbie mix, weighs about 75 lbs., Vaccinated, Spayed, and Microchipped before adoption.
Mama KC has a very sad story and life. She was taken to Kern County Animal Shelter with her 10 puppies as a stray dog. She lost 3 puppies at the shelter. They were all scheduled to be euthanized. Melita's Dream Animal Rescue was able to pull them out. They were at the foster. Sadly, Mama KC lost all her 7 left puppies while in the rescue at the foster. Puppies tested positive for distemper, and we tried everything to keep them alive, but every few days, one puppy was getting really sick, and we had to put him/her down. Mama KC was tested negative for distemper. Puppies might have gotten it while they were at the shelter, or dad had it. Mama KC is a sweet dog, she can be overprotective of her owner sometimes. She really needs to have a good forever home after all she is being through. She needs an owner who has the patience to spend time with her, train her, and take her jogging, hiking, running, and outside activities. |
He is Pit Lab mix, he is about 1 yr old, weighs about 30 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is excellent with kids, people, and other dogs. |
Bone is Pit Lab mix. He is about 1 yr old, weighs about 35 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is excellent with kids, other people, and dogs. He is a bit territorial. |
He is Malinois mix. He is about 1 yr old, weighs about 32 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is excellent with kids, people, and other dogs. |
She is about 1 yr old, weighs about 18 lbs., is mixed breed maybe some Chihuahua.
Playful, and friendly with dogs and people. |
Lola is the mom of four puppies (Oreo, Buttercup, Osito, and Baloo). She had her four puppies at Kern County Animal Services in the middle of the night, in the dark, and alone.
She and her puppies were pulled out of the shelter. She is about 3 years old, weighs about 80 lbs., and is a German Shepherd. She is friendly with people and other dogs. She loves to be your companion. She is very sweet. Very good on leash walk. She is vaccinated, microchipped and spayed. |
Tacha will be better in a home with another dog so they can play together and keep each other busy.
She's a Golden Retriever/Lab mix, weighs about 40 lbs., about 1.5 yrs old.
She’s vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. She’s very good with kids and other dogs. Not sure about the cats. |
Buttercup was born on 11-7-23 at Kern County Animal Services in the middle of the night, in the dark, with no one around.
Her mom is a pure German Shepherd, and we think her dad is a Chocolate Lab mix. She is a happy and playful puppy. She is dewormed and will be vaccinated and microchipped before adoption. She will be spayed when she is old enough. She will be available for adoption in about 4–5 weeks (mid-January 2024). |
She is about 3 yrs old, weighs about 30 lbs. She is Lab/Rhodesian mix.
She is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. |
Osito was born on 11-7-23 at Kern County Animal Services in the middle of the night, in the dark, with no one around.
His mom is a pure German Shepherd, and we think his dad is a Chocolate Lab mix. Osito is a happy and playful puppy. He is dewormed and will be vaccinated and microchipped before adoption. He will be neutered when he is old enough. If you are interested in adopting please complete an application on the website or click the button below. |
She is about 1 yr old,
weighs about 25 lbs. READ MORE
She is a mixed breed with long legs, maybe some Greyhound mix. She is friendly with dogs, cats, and people. She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. |
He is about 1.5 yrs old, weighs about 40 lbs. He is Shepherd mix.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. |
He is about 1.5 yrs old, weighs about 40 lbs. He is Lab mix.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. |
He is about 2 yrs old,
weighs about 50 lbs. He is Lab mix. READ MORE
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. |
Mike is about 5–6 yrs old; he can be a Beagle or Basset mix. He weighs about 25 lbs.
He is fully vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. He is very playful. He is excellent with kids, people, and dogs. I'm not sure about cats. |
She is a mix breed, Chihuahua/Terrier, and weighs about 2.5 lbs.
She is about 9 weeks old. She is dewormed, vaccinated, and microchipped before adoption. When she is old enough, she has to be spayed. She was found in the middle of nowhere in a field in Bakersfield, CA, with no food or water. |
He is a mixed breed and might have some Shar Pei. He is 2.5 yrs old and weighs about 35 lbs.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with other dogs, people, and kids. He is not really good with cats. He does well on his leash walk and loves car rides. He is not a barker. |
He is a Lab mix. He is about 8-9 yrs old and weighs about 50 lbs.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with other dogs, cats, kids, and people. He loves car rides. |
He is about 6 mon old, neutered, vaccinated, and will be microchipped for adoption.
Luke's mom was a Boxer mix. He is friendly with other dogs and people, but not sure about cats. |
Chance is about 1 yr old Husky and Pitbull mix. He weighs about 50 lbs. He is neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped.
Chance was given away in a Walmart parking lot at about 4 mon old, where he was rescued from. He has been with a foster since then, where he has learned how to walk on a leash, crate training, and social skills. He loves puppies and gets along with other dogs and cats. He is great with kids and loves to snuggle. He loves to go on hikes and long walks. |
BALOO was born on 11-7-23 at Kern County Animal Services in the middle of the night, in the dark and no one around.
His mom is pure German Shepherd and we think dad is chocolate lab mix. He is a happy and playful puppy. He is dewormed , vaccinated and microchipped before adoption. He will be neutered when old enough. If you are interested in adopting please complete an application the website |
Meet Woodey (the shelter name is Lola). We pulled her out of Riverside County Animal Services.
She was found to be straying. She was there for a long time, and we couldn’t let her stay longer. She is a Heeler about 2.5 years old and weighs about 35–40 lbs. Friendly with other dogs and people. She is skittish at the beginning and will take some time. She is good on leash walks. She is a very sweet and quiet dog. She is vaccinated, microchipped, and soon to be spayed. |
Shahi is about 3 months old mix breed, he weighs about 17 lbs.
He will be a medium size dog. Him and his sister were rescued from kern county animal services when they were only 2 weeks old before being euthanized. They were bottle fed. He is friendly with other dogs and people. He is almost potty trained. He knows how to use doggie door. He is vaccinated & will be microchipped before adoption. When old enough he will be neutered. |
Oreo was born on 11-7-23 at Kern County Animal Services in the middle of the night, in the dark, with no one around.
His mom is a pure German Shepherd, and we think his dad is a Chocolate Lab mix. He is a happy and playful puppy. He is dewormed and will be vaccinated and microchipped before adoption. He will be neutered when he is old enough. If you are interested in adopting please complete an application on the website or click the button below. |
Molly and her 6 puppies were at Kern County Shelter. She lost 4 of her puppies at the shelter due to pneumonia and being so cold there for puppies.
Shelter was asking for a rescue and didn’t want her to lose her other 2 puppies. My rescue took them in. Molly is a mix breed and can be a Hound/German Pinscher. She’s about 50 lbs, about 3 yrs old. Friendly with people and other dogs. She is vaccinated, will be spayed and microchipped before adoption. |
Mama Rhianna was found in Kern County, CA, in the middle of the field with no food, no water, and no one around.
She was pregnant, very skinny, and was due any minute. Rescue took her in, and a few hours later, she gave birth to 10 puppies. She is a Belgian Shepherd mix and weighs about 50 lbs. She is a very sweet dog. She is friendly with other dogs and people. She is vaccinated and will be spayed and microchipped before adoption. She will be ready for her forever home by the 3rd week of January. If you are interested in adopting or fostering to adopt, please feel free to contact my rescue. |
Rosie's mom is a Belgian Shepherd mix. We don't have any information about her dad.