He’s a Chihuahua mix and weighs about 10 lbs. He’s 1-1 1/2 yr old. He’s still a little playful puppy.
Vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. Very friendly with dogs and people. He’s just a sweetheart. |
He is white Swiss Shepard mix. He was born in Feb. 2022. He weighs about 32 lbs.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. He is excellent with kids, people, and other dogs. |
Claudie is about 10 mon old med size mix dog. She is a boxer/lab mix and weighs about 30-35 lbs.
he is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped before adoption. She is a sweet puppy, friendly with people and dogs. She was found with her mom and sibling abundant in the backyard of the house when the owner moved out. Her leg was injured really bad and we were told by the vet we might have to amputate the leg. After few treatments and X-rays, vet saw improvement, and amputation didn’t take place. She is fully recovered now, walking and running. She is a sweet puppy, friendly with people and dogs. She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
He’s 1 yr old, born on 2-14-2022. He weighs about 35 lbs. He is a Pitbull mix. He is a medium size dog.
Very friendly with people and dogs. Vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
Mario is about 1.5–2 yrs old and a Lab/Boxer mix. He weighs about 45 pounds. Some dogs bit him.
3 words describe Mario “The Best Dog.” READ MORE
He was rescued, treated, and fully recovered. He is neutered, vaccinated, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
Maggie is about 45 lbs. And is 3-4 yrs old terrier mix, doesn't like small dogs and cats but friendly with kids, people, and big dogs.
Spayed and vaccinated, she had a fractured hip and femur, but she is fully recovered. |
Sunny is about 2 yrs old and weighs about 35 lbs. He is a Rhodesian mix.
Very sweet dog, friendly with people and dogs. Vaccinated, neutered, and microchipped before adoption. |
Ruby is about 3 yrs old terrier mix. She weighs about 18 lbs, she is a med size dog.
She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped before adoption. She is very sweet and playful. Friendly with people and other dogs. |
Pita is about 1.5 yrs old and weighs about 42 lbs. Husky, medium size, vaccinated, and spayed.
Has esophageal, she is being treated for that. She is doing much better, active, playful, and social with all dogs and people. |
Duke is about 3 yrs old, a mixed breed, and weighs about 23 lbs.
Neutered and vaccinated. |
Waffle is about 3.5 yrs old poodle mix. He weighs about 19 lbs.
He is neutered, vaccinated, and will be microchipped before adoption. He is a sweet pooch, friendly with people and dogs. |
He’s 1 yr old, born on 2-14-2022. He weighs about 35 lbs. He is a Pitbull mix. He is a medium size dog.
Very friendly with people and dogs. Vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
Kitito is about 4 mon terrier mix, he weighs about 7 lbs. He will be a medium size dog.
He can be a little shy at first but once warms up he is so sweet. Friendly with people and dogs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
Mateo is a pit mix, he’s about 1.5 yrs old, weighs about 45 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is friendly with dogs and people. |
Cody is about a 5 mon old boxer mix. He weighs about 22 pounds.
He is fully vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. He is good with people, dogs, and cats. |
He is a 1 yr old Staffordshire terrier mix. He weighs about 35 pounds and is vaccinated, neutered, and microchipped for adoption.
He is friendly with other dogs and people. Has not been around cats. |
He is pit lab mix, he is about 1 yr old, weighs about 30 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is excellent with kids, people, and other dogs. |
Bone is pit lab mix. He is about 1 yr old, weighs about 35 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is excellent with kids, other people, and dogs. He is a bit territorial. |
He is Malinois mix. He is about 1 yr old, weighs about 32 lbs. He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption.
He is excellent with kids, people, and other dogs. |
She is about 1 yr old, weighs about 18 lbs., is mixed breed maybe some chihuahua.
Playful, and friendly with dogs and people. |
She is about 1 yr old, weighs about 18 lbs., is mixed breed maybe some chihuahua, playful, and friendly with dogs and people.
She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped before adoption. |
He is a Caucasian shepherd & Great Pyrenees mix. He was born on 4-12-22. He is about 17 mon old, weighs about 105 lbs, and needs to gain more weight.
He is neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. He is friendly with other dogs and people. He is housebroken. He is a sweet dog. He loves his leash walk, rides in the car, and is playful. |
Tacha will be better in a home with another dog so they can play together and keep each other busy.
She's a Golden Retriever/lab mix, weighs about 40 lbs., about 1.5 yrs old.
She’s vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. She’s very good with kids and other dogs. Not sure about the cats. |
She is about 3 yrs old, weighs about 30 lbs. She is lab/Rhodesian mix.
She is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. |
She is about a 1 yr old Malinois (Belgian Shepherd) mix.
She weighs about 35 pounds, is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. She’s friendly with other dogs and people. Has not been around cats. |
She is about 1 yr old,
weighs about 25 lbs. READ MORE
She is a mix breed with long legs, maybe some greyhound mix. She is friendly with dogs, cats, and people. She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. |
He is about 1.5 yrs old, weighs about 40 lbs. He is shepherd mix.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. |
He is about 1.5 yrs old, weighs about 40 lbs. He is lab mix.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. |
He is about 2 yrs old,
weighs about 50 lbs. He is lab mix. READ MORE
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with dogs and people. Not sure about cats. |
She is husky/malamute mix. She is 7 mon old, born on 12-21-22.
She weighs about 43 lbs. She will be a medium size dog. She’s potty trained, good on a leash. She is friendly with dogs, cats, kids, and other people. She’s fully vaccinated and microchipped for adoption. |
He is a shepherd mix, weighs about 40 lbs., and is about 8 months old.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is a medium size dog. He is friendly with other dogs, cats, and people. |
He is a mixed breed and might have some Shar Pei. He is 2.5 yrs old and weighs about 35 lbs.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with other dogs, people, and kids. He is not really good with cats. He does well on his leash walk and loves car rides. He is not a barker. |
He is a lab mix. He is about 8-9 yrs old and weighs about 50 lbs.
He is vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped for adoption. He is friendly with other dogs, cats, kids, and people. He loves car rides. |
He is about 6 months old, neutered, vaccinated, and will be microchipped for adoption.
Luke's mom was a boxer mix. He is friendly with other dogs and people, but not sure about cats. |
Seine is a mixed breed. She might be a Shepherd and Lab mix.
She is about 7 months old and weighs about 25 lbs. She is friendly with other dogs and people but not sure about cats. She is vaccinated, spayed, and will be microchipped for adoption. |
He is a mix breed—maybe boxer, shepherd, or pit mix. He is about 2-3 years old. old and weighs about 91 lbs.
He is a very sweet dog. He is friendly with people, and we are having him around cats to see how he will be (so far, so good). He is good with other dogs with a proper introduction. He is neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. |
Mike is about 5–6 yrs old; he can be a beagle or basset mix. He weighs about 25 pounds.
He is fully vaccinated, neutered, and will be microchipped before adoption. He is very playful. He is excellent with kids, people, and dogs. I'm not sure about cats. |