BALOO was born on 11-7-23 at Kern County Animal Services in the middle of the night, in the dark and no one around.
Meet Woodey (the shelter name is Lola). We pulled her out of Riverside County Animal Services.
Shahi is about 3 months old mix breed, he weighs about 17 lbs.
Oreo was born on 11-7-23 at Kern County Animal Services in the middle of the night, in the dark, and no one around.
Jack was pulled out of Apple Valley Animal Shelter. He had some respiratory problem and he was on euthanasia list.
Shelter was telling me they will euthanize him if his health declines. So we had to rush and pull him out of there. He was taken to the vet, treated for and he is totally fine now. He is Labrador Retriever , about 3 yrs old, weighs about 91 lbs . He is people, dog and kids friendly even birds friendly. He is a big sweet boy. He just needs some basic training . We think he was a backyard dog. |
Rosie is a Pitbull mix about 3 yrs. old, weighs about 53 lbs. She is vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed.
She is friendly with other dogs no reaction and ok around cats no reaction. She is friendly with people. She is good on a leash walk. Rosie was pulled out of Apply Valley Shelter from euthanasia room waiting for her turn. We think her puppies were taken away from her and dumped her in the streets. She was taken to the shelter as a stray dog. |
Mickey was pulled out of Contra Acosta County Animal Shelter. He was on a to be euthanized list.
Ocyrus was pulled out of Front Street Animal Shelter. He was on a euthanasia list and his time was up.
He had allergic skin. He is a pitfall mix, about 2.5 yrs old, weighs about 68 lbs. He is a playful dog, good on a leash walk. He is crate trained. He was good with other dogs at the shelter and foster is socializing him with other dogs too. He is a very sweet dog. His skin allergy is improving and with proper diet he will be totally treated. He is fully vaccinated, neutered and microchipped . |